Candle Uses
Never leave a burning candle unattended, within the reach of children or pets, or near flammable items. Safety instructions can be found here.
For thousands of years, humans have lit candles in temples, alters and banquet halls. In modern times, the mesmerising dance of Earth's ever-magical fire awakens our primal instincts, taking us back to the warm and cosy world of flickering candle-light.
A celebrated meditation tool, the act of lighting a candle can signal the beginning of a session. The soft, flickering flame of a candle is also used by some practitioners as a focal point during meditation, helping the mind to become still and enter a meditative state.
Melatonin is a hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycles. Exposure to light from electronic devices can suppress the body's production of melatonin and impact the sleep-wake cycle.
Candles are a natural light source which do not impact the production of melatonin. Additionally, the daily ritual of lighting candles prior to sleep can signal to the brain that it is time to unwind and prepare for sleep, a process often referred to as sleep hygiene.
A designed environment should tell a story about its surroundings, using light as a language. — Mark Major, renowned Lighting Architect
Experiments and studies on behavioural changes by light confirmed that choice of lighting can impact our moods. Once at the heart of human existence, fire continues to evoke feelings of warmth and security. Ditching bright lights for more dimly lit rooms — such as candle-light — illuminates interesting areas in the space, while creating an environment where individuals are more inclined to engage in intimate conversations.
Candles, Diffusers and Accessories
A scented candle range and accessories inspired by the iconic surf village...